For Immediate Release
September 15, 2022
For Information Contact:
Gary Petty, NPTC
NPTC/International Trucks Recognizes 2022 National Driver All-Stars
ORLANDO, FL – Nineteen private fleet truck drivers who have demonstrated high performance standards against their peer drivers throughout the country based on customer service, safety, adherence to company standards, regulatory compliance, and community service have been honored by the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) as National Driver All-Stars. The award is co-sponsored by International Trucks/Navistar.
“These drivers embody all the characteristics, skills and attitudes that are the heart of what enables the private fleet to continue to deliver exceptional levels of customer service,” according to NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty. “They are ambassadors, not only for their company, but for the entire private fleet community. We are honored to recognize these private fleet drivers for meeting high performance standards in the fields of customer service, safety and compliance.”
NPTC initiated the National Driver All-Stars program in 2009 to recognize those drivers of NPTC fleet member companies based on how they perform against their own internal customer service metrics. Specific measures of the recognition include:
- Customer service (uniform/appearance; on-time deliveries; attitude/conduct; customer feedback; loading/unloading; cooperation)
- Safety (number of DOT reportable accidents; number of OSHA reportable injuries; number of traffic violations verified by current MVR)
- Compliance with company standards (attendance, attendance at safety meetings, training, paperwork, etc.)
- Regulatory compliance (hours of service, DVIR, MVR, etc.)
- Community service
This year’s National Driver All-Star honorees are:
- Kenneth Nolen Barker, Jr., Frito-Lay, Inc.
- Jefferson Benjamin, Speedway | SWTO LLC
- Ben Bernard, AutoZone, Inc.
- Cesar Berrios, KeHE Distributors, LLC
- Robert Browning, Marathon Petroleum Company LP
- Perry L. Buckner, Fabri-Kal Corp., assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- Nathan L. Carter, Moen, assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- Tony P. Dinisi, Toyota Quality Parts Express, assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- Chad Evatt, CVS Health
- Eric N. Hoff, Army & Air Force Exchange Service
- Ed Klemmer, ADM Trucking, Inc.
- Calvin L. Mangler, John Deere, assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- Raymond Porter, Core-Mark International
- Steve R. Rawlins, Walgreen Oshkosh, assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- Frank Salinas, Jr., Kroger Company
- Shannon Vavra, Schwan Food Company
- Norman Matthew Ward, New South Express, Inc.
- Loyd E. Wood, Procter & Gamble Co., assigned by CPC Logistics, Inc.
- John Zamora, Performance Food Group

About NPTC
Founded in 1939, the National Private Truck Council is the only national trade association exclusively representing the interests of the private truck industry and corporate/business private truck fleet management. With an actively engaged leadership team of Board representatives, member volunteers and staff, NPTC in the past decade has grown significantly to serve a rising professional class of private fleet practitioners meeting the challenges of modern corporate transportation. NPTC is the leading learning resource center, government affairs advocate, and business networking culture for America’s top private fleet and supplier member companies. The Council produces benchmarking, best practices, and economic data reports on the private fleet market; administers the highly regarded Certified Transportation Professional (CTP) training program, and conducts some of the most successful events in the trucking industry including the Annual Education Management Conference and Exhibition, the Private Fleet Management Institute, and the National Safety Conference. For more information about the Council’s activities and programs, visit our website at
About Navistar
Navistar, Inc. (“Navistar”) is a purpose-driven company, reimagining how to deliver what matters to create more cohesive relationships, build higher-performing teams and find solutions where others don’t. Based in Lisle, Illinois, Navistar or its subsidiaries and affiliates produce International® brand commercial trucks and engines, IC Bus® brand school and commercial buses, all-makes OnCommand® Connection advanced connectivity services, and Fleetrite®, RENEWEDTM and Diamond Advantage® brand aftermarket parts and includes a Brazilian manufacturer of engines and gensets, MWM Motores Diesel e Geradores. With a history of innovation dating back to 1831, Navistar has more than 12,000 employees worldwide and is part of TRATON SE, a global champion of the truck and transport services industry. Additional information is available at