October 2020
Welcome to the Club
Each month NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a column in Fleet Owner magazine that focuses on the individuals, companies, best practices, and resources that make private trucking the force that it is in the American economy. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, this column provides an excellent forum to communicate the value of the private fleet. Click here to view the archive.
Gary Petty | gpetty@nptc.org | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.

Become a proud member of the CTP Class of 2021
NPTC’s Certified Transportation Professional (CTP) national certification program for private fleet professionals is the only credential designation of its kind in the transportation field. It is designed just for private fleet practitioners, including both fleet managers and supplier/vendor representatives.
The CTP program is administered by the NPTC Institute (technically the Institute for Truck Transportation Management), the nonprofit education and certification arm of NPTC. The CTP examination is designed and man-aged by NPTC staff and volunteer CTP leaders. The Certified Transportation Professional and the CTP designations are registered trademarks of the National Private Truck Council. Overall administrative oversight of the CTP program is conducted under the auspices of the NPTC Institute Board of Governors.
Founded in 1993, and as of 2018 officially sponsored by J.J. Keller & Associates Inc., the CTP program now has more than 700 active certified members. Most are engaged in NPTC pro-grams and services for the benefit of continuous professional development.
Approximately 90 individuals earn their CTP designation each year and formally graduate during recognition ceremonies at NPTC’s annual conference. Through active engagement in NPTC’s unique culture, new CTPs become part of a special network of professionals who set a high standard for management practices and leadership qualifications.
Senior management will readily identify a CTP as a professional with the experience, knowledge, and understanding of how to direct and administer a fleet, traffic, or transportation operation.
As a fleet transportation manager or executive, the CTP designation confirms that an individual has the knowledge and ability to understand complex operational and regulatory issues, identify and evaluate potential cost savings, and develop systems and practices which best meet a company’s transportation needs and objectives.
For the transportation supplier/vendor representative, the CTP designation confirms that you have the know-how to better advise and cater to the unique needs of the private fleet/transportation industry.
Since the CTP designation was first introduced over 27 years ago, over 1,800 transportation professionals have earned the right to add CTP after their names. Candidates are expected to have a clear understanding of the skills, abilities, and knowledge to effectively and efficiently perform at the highest levels as a fleet/transportation professional.
To successfully submit a CTP eligibility application, a candidate must achieve at a minimum of 600 certification points earned through fleet management/supplier experience, for-mal education, active participation in the fleet/transportation community, and continued pursuit of education.
Having knowledge and experience in transportation are essential pre-qualifications. The certification curriculum and the CTP examination content are focused on the five core subject matter disciplines of private fleet management: safety, finance, human resources, vehicle equipment and maintenance, and operations. This content is regularly updated and enhanced based on continuous improvement standards set by leading private fleet management practitioners, key performance indicators, and national benchmarking data produced each year by the National Private Truck Council.
Active CTPs typically describe how becoming a CTP changed their work and careers for the better. Some examples: “The CTP program expanded my knowledge, gave me new perspectives, and a large network of other transportation professionals.” “Nothing gives one an overall challenge in one fell swoop as does the CTP program.” “I have had two promotions since becoming a CTP three years ago. Being certified definitely gave me an advantage.”
“We have gone from ‘getting it done’ to ‘getting it done better.’ Earning my CTP has made a tremendous difference helping make this happen.” “Becoming a CTP positively changed my professional stature and career direction. I have an incredible network of CTP colleagues I can call on throughout the private fleet industry.”
Enhance your professional credibility. Improve your private fleet’s performance. Broaden and deepen your knowledge of key private fleet management disciplines. Become a proud member of the CTP Class of 2021 and “welcome to the club.”