August 2001
Going Strong
Each month NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a column in Fleet Owner magazine that focuses on the individuals, companies, best practices, and resources that make private trucking the force that it is in the American economy. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, this column provides an excellent forum to communicate the value of the private fleet. Click here to view the archive.
Gary Petty | | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.

Going Strong
The state of affairs at the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) is one of renewed momentum and enthusiasm. After a period of transition last fall, NPTC looks forward to completing one of its most successful years in recent history. In the words of NPTC Chairman Dan Smith, “All indications are that we’re going to have an exceptional year — we’ve come a long way in a short period.”
In a recent letter to division members, Charlie Bumb, Chairman of NPTC’s Allied Large Volume Supplier Division, noted, “We had one of the best Annual Conferences in Nashville this past May. The Board of Directors intends to keep NPTC an independent organization; there are no plans to merge with any other association.”
According to Bill Foltz, Chairman of the Membership Committee, “membership numbers are holding up nicely despite many mergers and consolidations among larger corporate members.” NPTC Treasurer Mike Parrish reported at the Annual Conference that “the association will end the year with a $200,000 profit, the best performance in three years.” In short, NPTC is doing very well and things are on the upswing for an even better future.
NPTC has a long record of adaptation to market forces. Founded in 1938 as the “National Council of Private Motor Truck Owners Inc.,” we operated for decades as a “single malt” organization. The association represented private fleets in the purest sense of the word, company-owned and run, manned and maintained with minimal outside help. The sign on the door read “Private Fleet Members Only” — and meant it.
Today, NPTC is a blended association. Membership doors swing open wide to all players: private fleet directors and managers; for-hire trucking companies; dedicated fleet service providers; leasing companies; third-party logistics companies; and allied suppliers of all sizes. NPTC accepts the challenge of providing even more value and services to its entire spectrum of members.
NPTC plans for 2002 are an expanded Weekly Update Newsletter; a new Safety Compliance quarterly e-newsletter; a new Legislative and Regulatory quarterly e-newsletter; a proposed Safety Templates project with the DOT; a new e-training and certification service as part of our Certified Transportation Professional program and the Institute for Truck Transportation Management; the Fleet Management Institute in Austin, TX, in January; the Annual Education/Management Conference in April, also in Austin; and building upon our successful partnership with FLEET OWNER magazine.
One of our intangible, often priceless, benefits is networking. NPTC is the place to meet, greet and keep professional friendships for ongoing business advice and information exchange, as well as career consultation in time of need. Many an NPTC member has found his or her career enhanced through association contacts that have been nurtured over the years.
If NPTC were a publicly traded stock, its rating would be a “buy” for long-term value and growth. If you already own NPTC stock as a current member, by all means hold and keep your dollar-cost-averaging investments coming in each year through membership dues. If you know someone who has not yet joined NPTC, encourage them to become a member today. Can any professional in this field afford not to be in the NPTC market? Your career fortune may depend on it.
Best wishes for your continued success in this exciting field.