October 2022
Earning a CTP in Six Steps
Each month NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a column in Fleet Owner magazine that focuses on the individuals, companies, best practices, and resources that make private trucking the force that it is in the American economy. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, this column provides an excellent forum to communicate the value of the private fleet. Click here to view the archive.
Gary Petty | gpetty@nptc.org | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.

New CTPs become part of a network of professionals who set a high standard for management practices and leadership qualifications.
THE NATIONAL PRIVATE Truck Council’s Certified Transportation Professional Class of 2023 is now forming. Now in its 30th year and sponsored by J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. since 2018, the CTP pro-gram is the only credential of its kind for private fleet practitioners, including both fleet managers and supplier/vendors, in the transportation industry.
About 90 individuals earn their CTP designation each year. New CTPs become part of a network of professionals who set a high standard for management practices and leadership qualifications.
To successfully complete the CTP examination, candidates are expected to have a clear understanding of the skills, abilities, and knowledge needed to perform within the fleet/transportation management profession effectively and efficiently.
The certification curriculum and the CTP examination content are focused on the five core disciplines of private fleet management: finance, safety, human resources, vehicle equipment and maintenance, and operations.
This content is regularly updated and enhanced by leading private fleet management practitioners as measured by best operating practices, key performance indicators, and national benchmarking data that the National Private Truck Council collects and produces annually.
Senior management will readily identify a CTP as a professional with the knowledge and ability to understand complex operational and regulatory issues, identify and evaluate potential cost savings, and develop systems and practices which best meet a company’s transportation needs and objectives.
For the transportation supplier/vendor representative, the CTP designation con-firms that a professional can better advise and cater to the unique needs of the private fleet/transportation industry.
Step 1—Submit an eligibility application under the “Get Certified” tab on the NPTC website at www.nptc.org. Applicants must have at least five years of transportation industry-related experience plus participation in the fleet/transportation community.
Step 2—Prepare: CTP Study Guides are free downloadable guides that cover the five core disciplines available to confirmed candidates. NPTC’s Benchmarking Survey Report is a free downloadable report available to confirmed candidates.
Step 3—Register for training: NPTC offers in-depth, in-person training, which has proven itself to be one of the most effective ways to prepare for your CTP journey.
- Private Fleet Management Institute (PFMI) on Jan. 14-18—This five-day educational program offers comprehensive instruction and activities designed to enhance your understanding of the private fleet management curriculum. A faculty of seasoned private fleet professionals instruct and facilitate the sessions.
- CTP Exam Preparation Workshop on Jan. 13—CTP candidates are encouraged to attend the CTP Exam Preparation Workshop, which is a full-day, specialized study group. Prepare for the case study analysis, network with candidates, and complete a sample multiple choice examination.
Step 4—Test: To become a CTP, you must pass a two-part examination offered virtually on Feb. 11. Part One consists of short-answer essay questions, and Part Two is a written case study analysis focusing on the core areas of fleet/transportation management. For Part Two, you will be given a case study and must submit a written analysis of the problem and your recommendations for solving the problem.
Step 5—Earn: Once you earn your CTP designation, we encourage you to attend the NPTC Annual Education Management Conference and Exhibition May 7-9. The graduation ceremony takes place during the opening general session on May 7.
Step 6—Maintain: Recertification guidelines are designed to ensure the continued transportation-related education of the individuals who earn the CTP designation. On an annual basis, CTPs are invoiced $100 to maintain active and participatory status. CTPs must earn and submit 50 recertification points every three-year cycle.
For full program details, go to www. nptc.org, or contact Kristen Todd at ktodd@nptc.org or (703) 838-8841.
The CTP graduating class of 2022.
Photo: NPTC