May 2005
Best in Class
Each month NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a column in Fleet Owner magazine that focuses on the individuals, companies, best practices, and resources that make private trucking the force that it is in the American economy. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, this column provides an excellent forum to communicate the value of the private fleet. Click here to view the archive.
Gary Petty | | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.

Best in Class
This year’s class of Certified Transportation Professionals (CTPs) is exceptional. For the first time in the program’s 12-year history, all candidates sitting for the CTP Examination passed.
Ron Tartt, CTP, Chairman of the NPTC Institute said: “As a group, the Class of 2005 represents one of the most experienced collection of candidates ever, and virtually all of them rated the CTP program as “excellent” in enhancing their professional status and improving on-the-job performance.”
Here are samples of comments from several newly-minted CTP professionals:
“My supervisor suggested that I god for my CTP and stated it would be invaluable to me. I have been around or involved in transportation for over 20 years; however, I am very new to the supervisory aspect. I thought the class was wonderful… and has helped me in so many ways in performing my job. I came back with so many ideas and learned so much from other people. I initiated a safety program for my drivers and am looking to expand my fleet. I would definitely recommend the CTP program to everyone… it was an excellent experience for me.”
“My Fleet Director encouraged me to take the exam. I think the program is great. The best assets are the ability to network with others and the training. I have already recommended this program to others,” said another candidate.
One of the younger members of the Class of 2005 said: “My early motivation to become a CTP was driven by one of our corporate leaders, but once I started to get involved I realized there was an unequaled amount of information available, now only from the NPTC but also from networking with other NPTC members. I would strongly suggest the CTP program to anyone in the Transportation industry.”
Another candidate commented: “I wanted to earn my CTP designation since my first NPTC annual conference in 2001 while networking and talking with CTPs about the program. The program exceeded my expectations and I am introducing some changes to our logistics based on those expectations and best practices I have learned at every function. The real key is the continuing education I will receive from my fellow CTPs, who are more knowledgeable in some areas.”
Yet another offered: “What motivated me to become a CTP was continuing education. I don’t think you ever truly ‘know it all’. This was the first program I’ve found that concentrates on private fleet management. It definitely met my expectations… I now catch myself reviewing work information and saying to myself, ‘this was on the test’. I would certainly suggest this program to anyone in transportation management.”
A new member said: “I stumbled across this accidentally. I heard about NPTC and was searching the internet to see if this was an organization that I would be interested in joining. I saw things I liked and asked my company to be a part by joining. As I was reading more about this CTP Certification, I decided I would like to pursue the program, beginning with the online courses that NPTC offers through”
A listing of all the members of the CTP Class of 2005 will appear in the NPTC Newsletter found in the June 2005 issue of Fleet Owner.
Why not earn your CTP designation in 2006? To register or learn about the program, go to the NPTC website at or call (703) 683-1300, ext. 223.