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Welcome Exhibitors! This is Your Online Resource

Please review the following information very carefully to ensure that you are up to speed on all things exhibit at NPTC 2025 in Orlando, Florida! Confirmed exhibiting companies must complete the Exhibitor Dashboard below. The remaining sections cover both the Pre-Event Guidelines and On-Site Procedures.

Important Dates & Deadlines

Jan 27 – Attendee Registration Opens

Mar 12 – Early-Bird Registration Discount Deadline
Mar 14 – Initial Pre-Show Registrant Datafile to Exhibitors and Sponsors

Apr 7 – Rosen Centre Hotel Reservation Cut-Off for Discounted Room Rate
Apr 10 – Shipments Accepted at Advance Freeman Warehouse
Apr 11 – Second Pre-Show Registrant Datafile to Exhibitors and Sponsors
Apr 14 – Deadline for Freeman Online Discounts (carpet, shipping, vacuum, etc.)
Apr 15 – Deadline for SmartSource Lead Retrieval Discount Pricing
Apr 29 – Deadline for Advance Lead Retrieval Orders with SmartSource

May 5 – Deadline for Advance Shipments to Warehouse without Late Penalties
May 5 – Mobile Event App Available for Download by Conference Attendees
May 9 – Display Vehicles due at West Hall B2 between 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
May 10 – Shipments Sent Directly to Show Site ACCEPTED ON THIS DATE ONLY
May 16 – Final Post-Show Registrant Datafile to Exhibitors
Schedule above subject to change.

2025 Exhibit Schedule:
Orange County Convention Center
West Hall B2

Vehicles on Display Due @ Hall B2
Friday, May 9 — 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Booth Setup
Saturday, May 10 — 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 11 — 8:00 am – 1:30 pm

Exhibit/Show Hours (6 Total)
Sunday, May 11 — 2:30 – 5:30 pm
Monday, May 12 — 2:30 – 5:30 pm

Booth Teardown
Monday, May 12 — 5:30 – 10:00 pm
Tuesday, May 13 — 8:00 – 10:00 am


All exhibitors are required to agree to and abide by the official NPTC 2025 Exhibitor Rules, Regulations, Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise specified or required in the NPTC 2025 Exhibitor Rules and Regulations, NPTC abides by and requires that all exhibitors abide by the International Association of Exhibition and Events Exhibit Guidelines. Payment of booth fee constitutes acceptance of the booth contract and agreement to the Exhibition Rules and Regulations.

Neither NPTC nor Freeman require an EAC Form be submitted for the conference.

All exhibitors must submit the form below to signify your company agrees to adhere to the NPTC 2025 Exhibitor Rules and Regulations.

AC - Rules and Regulations Agreement

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read the Rules, Regulations, Terms, and Conditions governing the NPTC 2025 Annual Conference and Exhibition at the Orange County Convention Center and do hereby agree to adhere to them.

Once you click submit, you will receive an automated email confirmation of your submission.

As an exhibitor, a company profile with a 500-word description will appear in the official NPTC 2025 mobile app. You must be logged in to your NPTC profile, then click the button to the right to submit your company’s information.

You must be logged-in to your NPTC Profile before clicking the button below.

All attendees, booth workers, and participants in any event or the exhibit must be registered. Full-conference registration includes admittance to all functions including the Exhibit Hall, meals, receptions, general sessions & workshops. NPTC does not offer exhibit-only passes or tickets.

NPTC recommends assigning any and all complimentary registrations your company is allotted before submitting paid registrations. Refunds are not available for paid attendee registrations when your company has unused complimentary registrations available to assign due to exhibit or sponsorship investment. Click here to purchase paid registrations above and beyond any complimentary full-conference registrations your company receives.

Your booth reservation entitles you to complimentary full-conference attendee registration(s) based on the size of your booth:

10′ x 10′ ONE registration ($775+ value)
10′ x 20′ or 10’x 30′ TWO registrations ($1,550+ value)
20′ x 20′ or 10′ x 40′ THREE registrations ($1,950+ value)
20′ x 30′ or larger FOUR registrations ($2,600+ value)
AC - Complimentary Registrations

NPTC 2025 Participation

Click ALL applicable.

NPTC 2025 Exhibit

Your 10x10 exhibit booth includes ONE (1) Complimentary Full Registration ($775+ value). Please enter the information for the complimentary attendee below:
Your 10x20 or 10x30 exhibit booth includes TWO (2) Complimentary Full Registrations ($1,550+ value). Please enter the information for your complimentary attendees below:
Your 20x20 or 10x40 exhibit booth includes THREE (3) Complimentary Full Registrations ($1,950+ value). Please enter the information for your complimentary attendees below:
Your 20x30 or larger exhibit booth includes FOUR (4) Complimentary Full Registrations ($2,600+ value). Please enter the information for your complimentary attendees below:

Complimentary Attendee 1

Complimentary Attendee 2

Complimentary Attendee 3

Complimentary Attendee 4

Sponsorship Level
Your Bronze sponsorship investment includes ONE (1) Complimentary Full Registration ($775+ value). Please enter the information for the complimentary attendee below:

Your Silver Sponsorship Investment includes TWO (2) Complimentary Full Registrations ($1,550+ value). Please enter the information for the two complimentary attendees below:

Your Gold Sponsorship investment includes THREE (3) Complimentary Full Registrations ($1,950+ value). Please enter the information for the three complimentary attendees below:

Your Platinum Sponsorship investment includes FOUR (4) or more Complimentary Full Registrations ($2,600+ value). Please enter your attendees' complete contact details below. 

Complimentary Attendee 1

Complimentary Attendee 2

Complimentary Attendee 3

Please type in 1. Name, 2. Title, 3. Phone, and 4. Email Address for your complimentary attendees. If complete information as outlined is not provided for each attendee, we can not process the registration.

Once you click submit, you will receive an automated email confirmation of your submission.


Freeman Company is the official exhibit hall decorator, and their online ordering system allows exhibitors to rent carpet (carpet flooring is required in all booths), order rental furniture, booth setup, shipping, and more with quick and accurate service. To take advantage of advance order discount rates, place orders on FreemanOnline by April 14, 2025.

The list of official NPTC-approved exhibit service providers to order electrical or internet for your booth is online here. Please note that neither NPTC nor Freeman requires submission of an EAC Form (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor).

Booth Space includes: 

  • one 11″ x 17″ exhibitor company identification sign (inline booths only)
  • Complimentary full registration(s) based on booth size (includes Exhibit Hall access and all Annual Conference sessions and meals). Additional full registrations available at regular rates. Exhibit-only passes or tickets are NOT available — all attendees must have a full registration to participate.
  • Company profile in conference mobile app
  • Two pre- and one post-event attendee datafile (email addresses of attendees not available; nor special sorts of data)
  • NOT INCLUDED: flooring (carpet available for rent from Freeman); shipping, material handling, labor, sign-hanging; furniture and equipment rentals; booth cleaning; booth electricity; utilities and internet service.

Approved Service Providers

Exhibit Hall DECORATOR
(carpet, supplies, etc.)

Exhibitor Support
(888) 508-5054
Online Support Form

utilities, rigging, electricity

Martin Caparros
o (407) 685-5897

internet, telecom

Jennifer Mezquita
o (407) 685-2019 | c (407) 493-0604


Stacey Sanchez
c (407) 212-0274


Order Online with Code NPTC0525

Wilby Aristil
(321) 710-3343


Olivia Ternay
(407) 685-5562

REQUIRED: Exhibitors must email to receive prior approval for any in-both catering.

The Rosen Centre Hotel is the headquarters hotel for NPTC 2025. At this time, no other hotels are offered in NPTC’s block of rooms. For more information on hotel accommodations, visit this page. We encourage you to act quickly to secure your room reservations as we are expecting a complete sell-out of our room block.

Protect Yourself From Potential Scammers: It has come to our attention that some NPTC members and/or attendees have received emails or phone calls from individuals claiming to be associated with NPTC and/or the Hotel who are offering reduced room rates for the Annual Conference. Please be advised that neither the Hotel nor NPTC would ever contact you to discuss, increase, or lower your room rate or adjust your accommodations in any way. Attendees should only book hotel accommodations using the link provided on the NPTC website. If you have any questions, please email or call (703)683-1300.

Advanced Shipment Arrival

Warehouse Address: Arriving April 10, 2025 until May 5, 2025

Exhibiting Company Name / Booth #
NPTC 2025 — c/o FREEMAN
10088 General Drive
Orlando, FL 32824

Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded materials beginning April 10, 2025 at the above address. Shipments arriving after May 5, 2025, will be received at the warehouse with an additional after-deadline charge. Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (888) 508-5054.

Shipping Direct to Show

Show Site Address: ARRIVAL ON SATURDAY MAY 10, 2025, ONLY

Exhibiting Company Name / Booth #
NPTC 2025 — c/o FREEMAN
9800 International Drive, West Hall B2
Orlando, FL 32819

Freeman will receive shipments at the exhibit hall facility on Saturday, May 10, 2025. Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the facility. Any charges incurred for early freight accepted by the facility are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (888) 508-5054.

Please note: Any materials received by Freeman are subject to Material Handling Charges and are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. This also applies to items not ordered through the Official Show Vendors. Refer to the material handling form for charges for the service. Please be aware that disposal of exhibit properties is not included as part of your material handling charges. Please contact Freeman for your quoted rates and rules applicable to disposal of your exhibit properties.

NPTC does not require that a copy of your certificate be on-file with us.

Exhibitor and exhibitor’s contractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, procure and maintain through the terms of this contract, comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury or death, and property damage occurring in or upon or resulting from the premises leased.  Such insurance shall include contractual liability and product liability coverage, with combined single limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000. Such insurance shall name National Private Truck Council, Orange County Convention Center and Orange County, Florida, as an additional insured. If needed, below is the address for each additional insured. Exhibitor shall furnish to NPTC a certificate of insurance (COI) evidencing the above requirements upon reasonable request by NPTC.

National Private Truck Council
2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Fax: 815-572-9582

Orange County Convention Center
9800 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
Fax: 407-685-9884

Orange County Government, Florida
101 E. Central Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32801

Exhibitor insurance is available through Rainprotection Insurance. For more information, click here. Please note that NPTC does not endorse once insurance company provider over another.

You can view the up-to-date registrant list anytime online here. As an included exhibitor benefit, you will receive three separate electronic datafiles of registered attendees – one on March 14, one on April 11, and a final datafile of attendees on May 16 following the event (dates/timing subject to change). The datafile will include registrant name, title, company, full address, and phone (email addresses are NOT available). Datafiles are not available outside of the dates listed above, nor are any other data fields or custom data sorts provided.

NPTC prohibits blast/mass promotional emails or mass cold-calls to attendees.

NPTC does not offer any marketing services such as flyer mailings or blast emails to attendees. Exhibitors wishing to send direct mail to attendees are asked to provide NPTC with an email proof of the marketing piece for approval prior to mailing.

NPTC does not share attendee information or data with third-party companies. We urge all participants to ignore/delete/block any email claiming to provide attendee information for an NPTC event.

The NPTC 2025 mobile event app, sponsored by J. J. Keller & Associates, will be available for download in early April on the Apple App Store and Google. Keep an eye on the Weekly Update for the official announcement.

Exhibitor listings are included in the app so that attendees have access to your information right at their fingertips! Sponsors are also featured prominently in the app.

Exhibitors may use the images below to promote the event on their social media channels with hashtag #NPTC2025

Please note: printed material using conference images or the NPTC logo requires advance approval by NPTC — send proof to

Square Image

2×1 Image

Banner Image

Exhibitor’s failure to occupy booth is not subject to refund.

Relocation Requests

Exhibitors wishing to change their booth location should email with the details of their request including preferred new location. At NPTC discretion, an exhibitor may be allowed a one-time booth relocation at no charge; any future relocations will be subject to NPTC approval and a $500 administrative fee.


If exhibitor choses to downsize by selecting a smaller booth space, the following policy will apply: prior to February 10, 2025, exhibitor will be entitled to a refund of the cost deferential; from February 10, 2025, to March 27, 2025 (90 to 45 days out), 50% of the cost deferential will be refunded; after March 27, 2025 (less than 45 days out), exhibitor will not be entitled to a cost deferential refund but will be responsible for payment in full of the larger booth.


Prior to February 10, 2025, there will be a $500.00 penalty if exhibitor cancels booth reservation (unless booth is greater than 800-square-feet in which 50% of booth cost is non-refundable). From February 10, 2025, to March 27, 2025 (90 to 45 days out), booth cancellation will result in a penalty of 50% of the total cost of the booth. After March 27, 2025 (less than 45 days out), exhibitor is responsible for full payment of the booth cost; no refunds or credits will be issued after March 27, 2025 – no exceptions.


Booth Setup
Saturday, May 10 — 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 11 — 8:00 am – 1:30 pm

Exhibit/Show Hours (6 Total)
Sunday, May 11 — 2:30 – 5:30 pm
Monday, May 12 — 2:30 – 5:30 pm

Booth Teardown
Monday, May 12 — 5:30 – 10:00 pm
Tuesday, May 13 — 8:00 – 10:00 am

Attendee badge pickup begins Saturday afternoon at the Registration Desk located outside West Hall B2 of the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.

At the registration desk, your attendees will receive their badge and conference materials packet. Attendees must wear their badge at all times during the event. You and/or your attendees may enter the exhibit hall on Saturday morning to setup your booth prior to picking up your badge and registration materials.

Registration Desk Hours

Saturday, 5/10    2:00pm – 6:00pm
Sunday, 5/11      9:00am – 5:30pm
Monday, 5/12      7:30am – 4:00pm

The meeting for priority selection of 2026 exhibit booth spaces will take place on-site in Orlando on Monday, May 12, 2025, at 1:00 p.m., in the Orange County Convention Center, Room W312 in the West Hall. Someone from your company should plan to attend in-person in order to ensure your preferred booth space for NPTC 2026.

The selection process is a lottery system (similar to a sports-draft) whereby priority is based on current Conference exhibit and sponsorship support and longevity of NPTC membership. When your company is called in order of priority at this meeting, you will have the immediate opportunity to select your exhibit booth location for NPTC 2026. This is a fast-paced meeting that usually takes about an hour. Watch your email for more information on this important meeting.

SmartSource® is the official lead retrieval provider for NPTC 2025.

SmartSource’s solutions offer real-time data capture, custom qualifying parameters, a free-form notes section, and much more. Best of all, the data is available instantaneously in an easy-to-read format, allowing for immediate follow-up both during and after the show.

The following lead retrieval options are available to order now:

• SmartSource Mobile App
• Bluetooth Scanner

For discounted pricing, exhibitors must place their lead retrieval order by April 30, 2025. Badge scanners must also be ordered by April 30, 2025. All other orders must be placed by end of show on Monday, May 12.

Please contact Wilby Aristil with any questions: (321) 710-3343 or

If your company will be displaying a vehicle,
please click here to submit the Vehicle Display Form.

All motor vehicles on display must FIRST check-in at the Freeman Marshalling Yard located at 10088 General Drive, Orlando, FL 32824, prior to arriving at the Orange County Convention Center, West Hall B2.  Once checked-in at the Marshalling Yard, your vehicle will be approved to continue on to the OCCC West Hall B2 located about 8 miles away. ** Remember to check that your fuel level is below a quarter tank full. **

► Directions and map to Freeman Marshalling Yard
► Directions and map from Marshalling Yard to OCCC West Hall B2

Vehicles arriving at the OCCC West Hall B2 must be checked-in by Hall security before they are permitted on the exhibit hall floor. Your vehicle must arrive at the OCCC West Hall B2 Loading Door at 12:00p Noon on Friday, May 9, 2025. Requirements: (1) vehicle’s gas tank is required to have 1/4 tank of fuel OR less; (2) gas-cap must be locked or taped shut; and (3) after the vehicle is moved into place on the show floor, the battery is required to be disconnected. A Vehicle Safety Inspection Form will be provided that must be submitted at security check-in.

While Truck-Trailers on display do not need to be checked-in (unless the tractor is staying in the booth), they must also arrive at the West Hall B2 Loading Door of OCCC at 12:00p Noon on Friday, May 9, 2025, for EARLY move-in.

. Vehicle MOVE-IN

Following security guard “check-in” at the OCCC West Hall B2 door, your driver will be directed by show management or Freeman staff to immediately drive the vehicle into the hall and to your booth space where he/she can position the unit in its final display location – if ordering carpet from Freeman, it will be in-place prior to vehicle move-in. If you are bringing your own carpet, you will want to have it installed prior to vehicle move-in but not before 11:00 AM on Friday, May 9, 2025; access to the hall for early carpet install is permitted and must be coordinated and confirmed with Freeman. You are welcome to have someone from your staff be present (other than the driver) to ensure your vehicle is positioned properly in your booth at that time.

Vehicle MOVE-OUT

All vehicles on display will be directed by Freeman staff for move-out. Please have your driver on-hand and present in the hall by 5:30 PM on Monday, May 12, at your booth. Once the majority of the aisle carpet is pulled from the floor, the loading doors will be opened and vehicles will be lead off the floor. Most vehicles will vacate the hall by 7:00 PM.

Instructions for Your Driver

When your driver arrives at the Orange County Convention Center, West Hall B2, 9800 International Drive, Orlando, Florida, on Friday, May 9 at 12:00p Noon, there will be parking available to stage your vehicle just outside the West Hall B2 loading door. Your driver can wait with their vehicle until directed to enter the building via the B2 loading door by Freeman staff or show management.

No entertainment of customers (or prospective customers) or meetings/gatherings are permitted when an official NPTC event is scheduled, either during the day or evening, from May 11 through May 13, 2025. Sunday, May 11 is the official ACT-1 Gala Reception, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Rosen Centre Hotel. No other activity can be held that evening – no exceptions.

NPTC also prohibits the distribution or substitution of any item in the official NPTC sponsored registration package.

NPTC Door Prizes

NPTC will give-away five (5) $100 giftcards (sponsored by NPTC) to randomly-selected fleet members in attendance at 2:50pm on each day. This is for NPTC only and does not involve an opportunity for exhibitors.

Then, NPTC will give-away one (1) $500 giftcard (also sponsored by NPTC) to a randomly-selected fleet member in attendance at about 5:10pm each day. This is for NPTC only and does not involve an opportunity for exhibitors.

Public Announcements for Exhibitor Prizes

Exhibitors wishing to have their booth prizes announced over the public speaker should complete the entry form available in the exhibit hall during show hours at the NPTC desk in the front of the hall. Completed entry forms must be turned in by 5pm each day. Exhibitor booth prize giveaways will be announced before the show concludes (limit of 3 per day/exhibitor/session). Exhibitors should keep record of their prize winners should any follow-up or pickup arrangement be required.

Press Conferences / Press Room / Press Relations

NPTC does not provide press conference sessions or scheduling in conjunction with the conference. Moreover, a dedicated press room is not available. For more information about NPTC’s policy and press relations, please contact Tom Moore at

Advertising Opportunities

Please note advertising is not offered in the attendee materials. If you are looking for increased visibility, we encourage you to consider becoming a sponsor. Contact Serena Porter at for more information.

Attendee Attire

The attendee dress code for the event is business casual.

Literature Drops NOT PERMITTED

Hotel room or other literature drops are NOT PERMITTED under any circumstances, as per the NPTC Exhibitor Rules and Regulations and official policy of the NPTC Annual Conference Planning Committee.

NPTC Event Management Contacts

Tom Moore, CTP, EVP
Programming / Content / Speakers / Schedule
CTP Program / Awards / Photographer
Trade Press Relations/ Publications
George Mundell, EVP & COO
Event Administration
Exhibit Hall / Sponsorships
Public Announcements / Prizes
Serena Porter, Director, Membership & Marketing
Membership / Mobile App
Exhibitor Management
Website / Online Payments
Booth Reservations
Kristen Todd, Director, Education & Certification
Registration / Cancellations / Refunds
CTP Program
On-site Registration Desk
  1. Does my company need to be a member of NPTC to be an exhibitor?
    No, but if your company is a member of NPTC, you are eligible for significantly discounted rates to exhibit and attend. For more information on membership and to join, click here. To see if your company is already a member, click here.
  2. Is special permission required to hang a sign above my booth?
    No, but hanging-signs are only permitted to be hung above ISLAND booths. Hanging and associated labor for signs must be ordered through the OCCC rigging service; click here for rigging guidelines.
  3. How do I check to see who is already registered as an attendee from my company?
    Click here for a real-time listing of registered attendees in company alpha-order.
  4. Can I pick up name-badges and registrant materials for other members of my company’s staff?
    Visit the registration desk near the Exhibit Hall of the Orange County Convention Center during open hours (click here to view registration desk hours). Note: You and/or your attendees may enter the exhibit hall on Saturday morning to setup your booth prior to picking up your badge and registration materials.
  5. Can I and/or my company’s attendees participate in the general sessions and educational workshops?
    Yes, all registrants are welcome and encouraged to participate in all activities, including general sessions, educational workshops, meal and social functions, awards ceremonies and the exhibit hall.
  6. Does NPTC offer exhibit-only badges, passes or tickets for booth workers or others? 
    No, a full, paid/comp registration is required to access the exhibit hall and/or any event or activity at NPTC. Your booth worker staff must be registered with either a COMP full registration or a regular paid full registration. No exceptions.
  7. Can I and/or my company’s staff register onsite, in-person in Orlando?  Is there any registration rate cost difference between advance purchase versus onsite purchase?
    Yes, onsite registration is available at the Registration Desk near the Exhibit Hall at the Orange County Convention Center. Attendees can follow signage from the hotel. Registration rates are the same for advance and onsite purchase.
  8. If I am unavailable to participate in the booth selection meeting onsite in Orlando, can/should I send someone from my company in my absence?
    Yes, definitely. If you want to have advance priority booth selection to secure your preferred booth location, you must have someone from your company participate IN-PERSON at the live meeting scheduled for Monday during the conference at 1:00 pm at the Orange County Convention Center. Additional information and specific instructions will be emailed to all exhibitors just prior to the start of the conference.
  9. Can I share my booth with another company?
    Assigned booth space is for the exclusive use by the contracted exhibiting company only. Sharing/sub-leasing booth space is not allowed. See Exhibitor Rules and Regulations for specifics.
  10. Are there pre-formatted labels for shipping our booth materials to the advance warehouse or show site?
    Yes, click here for downloadable labels and complete shipping instructions.
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