NPTC President and CEO Gary Petty writes a regular column in Fleet Owner Magazine, in addition to online articles in Fleet Owner Newsline, that focus on leaders, private fleet companies, best practices, and unique features which make private fleet trucking a competitive advantage in corporate transportation.. Reaching more than 100,000 subscribers, three-quarters of whom are private fleet professionals, these publications highlight expert management practitioners and successful business models of leading private fleets.

Gary Petty | | Private Fleet Editor for FleetOwner Magazine
Gary Petty has more than 30 years of experience as CEO of national trade associations in the trucking industry. He has been the president and CEO of the National Private Truck Council since 2001.
Farmers’ FleetMagazine Column
It “links farmers to almost any market in the world,” envisions a “global food economy where every crop will grow where it grows best” and where agricultural efficiency can make “food…_x000D_
Small Accident, Big ImpactMagazine Column
Before patting itself on the back too hard for having one of the best safety years in company history, the management of a major private fleet took a closer look at the numbers. They…_x000D_
Cargo Theft Wake-Up CallMagazine Column
What happens when one of the top private fleets in America has three straight cargo thefts in the span of a few weeks? I asked Ron Tartt, CTP, Senior Manager, Private Fleet with…_x000D_
The Truck’s in the MailMagazine Column
Mail trucks rarely make headline news. Even fewer are the subjects of a police chase shown live on TV. However, one United States Postal Service truck was an exception recently._x000D_
The Little Store That CouldMagazine Column
Eighty-one-year old Walter Hachborn shows up for work every day, still passionately committed to his dream. He is founder and president of the largest group of independent…_x000D_
Time to Speak UpMagazine Column
The countdown for Sept. 30, 2003 has begun. On this day, the historic Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) expires. Highway and transit programs don’t stay on…
A History of NPTCMagazine Column
The National Private Truck Council traces its lineage back to l939, when a rift developed between the private fleet and for-hire sides of the American Trucking Assns. (ATA). Private…
The case for UCRMagazine Column
The American Trucking Assns. (ATA) and the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) are supporting legislation to change a nearly 40-yr.-old law authorizing states to require for-hire…
Behind the WheelMagazine Column
Leading private fleet managers make driver appreciation a way of life year-round â not just during Driver Appreciation Week. They consistently work to keep drivers informed, motivated, and productive…._x000D_
Earning Its KeepMagazine Column
Boise Cascade has one of the most successful private trucking operations in the country, earning it the No.-64 ranking among the top 100 largest fleets. The Boise, ID-based company…
A 30-Year ManMagazine Column
I asked Ed Nieuwenhuis, retiring vice president of logistics for Meijer Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, what advice he would give to fleet managers seeking long-term careers in the field. He has…_x000D_
The Gold StandardMagazine Column
For over fifteen years, the National Private Truck Council has sponsored a Driver Hall of Fame program to recognize the best drivers in the private fleet industry. In 1987, James R. Anderson…
Amber Waves of GrainMagazine Column
One of the most glorious vistas on a sunny summer day is the “amber waves of grain” that coat the Great Plains states, immortalized in “America, the Beautiful.” The wind-blown wheat…_x000D_
Secure Enough?Magazine Column
Thousands of cargo containers from overseas vessels are off-loaded at U.S. docks every day. Most of the contents are then transported by truck to destinations across the country…._x000D_
Sleeping On EmptyMagazine Column
Driver fatigue is emerging as a new frontier in risk management. We must recognize that drivers’ on-duty hours-of-service reports paint an incomplete account of their overall fitness to…_x000D_
Saluting a Unique FleetMagazine Column
This month marks the 50th Anniversary of Marvin Schwan’s dream. In the early 1950s, Schwan and his parents operated a small, struggling dairy in Marshall, MN. Population at the…
NPTC’s Fleet Career CenterMagazine Column
The challenge of finding and keeping good, long-term employees will only grow more difficult in the years ahead, notwithstanding the current downturn in America’s economy. The principal…_x000D_
Fleets Deliver Second HarvestMagazine Column
Donated shipping services of private trucking fleets and for-hire truckers play a big role in reducing hunger in America. The idea that anyone living in the United States is hungry seems…_x000D_
Alive and WellMagazine Column
Private fleets are alive and well! That’s the overall conclusion one can reach from a recent Heavy Duty Private Fleet Survey sponsored by Boise Cascade and promoted by NPTC…._x000D_
Start DrillingMagazine Column
A major energy crisis looms large over our nation’s future. Rolling blackouts and steeply spiked gasoline prices earlier this year served as flashing red lights on America’s dashboard…._x000D_